Hire for Your Weakness

As a new entrepreneur, you are most likely running every aspect of your business. Overtime when your business starts to grow, you will find that there are certain tasks you enjoy more than others. When you have performed a task a certain way, it is difficult to let go and allow someone else to take over. But don’t allow this to get in the way of new hires and freedom for yourself. By expanding your own team, you open yourself up to more growth and opportunities in your business.

Write a “Strengths” and “Weaknesses” List

In order to determine what areas you need help in, write a list that establishes which roles you enjoy the most, what comes naturally to you, what do you dread the most, and what areas cause the most anxiety or frustrations. Answering these questions will allow you to identify which areas in your business you may need to start fulfilling roles for.

As Social Media and technology continue to grow, it is important that as a business owner your brand is making a digital footprint online. Content creation, posting, engaging are all time-consuming tasks. Allow for our team at The Community Group to develop and strategize content for your social page to ensure that it continues to grow alongside your business.

Why You Should Hire a Social Media Manager?

At The Community Group, we are dedicated to keeping up with trends and algorithms to ensure that all our client’s social pages get the attention they deserve. We strongly believe that content that serves, is content that will sell. We follow four pillars when it comes to social media marketing because we strongly believe that content creation under the four brand pillars will ensure organic follower growth, engagement, and sales. With our expertise in different marketing tactics and media platforms, we have first-hand experience on what kind of content to provide regardless of your target audience. The secret to getting ahead is getting started! 


Social Media Algorithms


Imposter Syndrome